Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Time to catch up...

Wow, I can't believe summer is gone and my little girl is about to turn two. Mark is back in school, enjoying it as much as one can with two math classes mixed in his schedule. I started at a new salon the first of September. It feels so crazy to not have my own salon anymore. It has been good for the most part. I am just such a big dork and I embarrass myself on a daily basis, but what else is new.
Sloan is getting so so big. Last month Mark and I went to St. George to celebrate our anniversary and left Sloan with my parents for the weekend. They went to church on Sunday and while the sacrament was being passed out, my cute mom was explaining how it represents Jesus. After the bread passed by, Sloan looked at my mom and asked, "More Jesus please?" Gotta love that girl.
I am so lucky to be her mom.


Sarah said...

love that story! she has such a great personality!

Unknown said...

Yay! Love your blog! You should blog more!